Starting Over Again

Band O Loko

A tasty musical blend of yesterday with a twist of today.

"Starting Over Again" is the story of everyday.. Upon waking many ponder the day ahead, what to do, where to go. Others are locked in to the day to day routine. We still have a choice of what we choose however it all involves a new beginning. Relationships, careers, travel, even a fresh

A tasty musical blend of yesterday with a twist of today.

"Starting Over Again" is the story of everyday.. Upon waking many ponder the day ahead, what to do, where to go. Others are locked in to the day to day routine. We still have a choice of what we choose however it all involves a new beginning. Relationships, careers, travel, even a fresh sowed garden, has a fresh start everyday. There is a positive side to each's just hard to find sometimes.

Featuring Kevin Held on Drums - Keyboards - Bass and Rod Hans on Guitars, bringing this song to life and to you.

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