Soft Song

Kevin Held

Soft Song

Soft Song written by Kevin Held, an early recording from 2006, one of the first in Humboldt County. Mike Lee is featured on Cello...who was lost at sea doing what he loved, surfing, in Morrocco. He was a popular surfer in Humboldt, Camel Rock a favorite place, and played music in several bands. I was lucky to have met him and the

Soft Song

Soft Song written by Kevin Held, an early recording from 2006, one of the first in Humboldt County. Mike Lee is featured on Cello...who was lost at sea doing what he loved, surfing, in Morrocco. He was a popular surfer in Humboldt, Camel Rock a favorite place, and played music in several bands. I was lucky to have met him and the opportunity to record this song. Featuring Mark Huddleson on some of the sweetest guitar licks my ears have ever heard..Michael Jennings on drums...brave enough to step up at 18 and visit for a drop in session...Kevin Held on Keys, Bass, Vocals, and Audio Production, engineering, release, publishing, and patience.

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